Flight Director

The Sperry dual cue displays pitch and roll commands for the mode selected.

Flight director controls are located on the captains glareshield panel:

  • TRIM (Pitch Command). Sets climb or descent pitch angle for both flight directors to a maximum of 20 degrees up or down. TRIM can be used in all modes except GO/A, APPR, ALT (altitude hold), or when glideslope is captured.

  • ALT (Altitude Hold). When set to ON, pitch command bar indicates pitch attitude necessary to hold the existing pressure altitude. ALT can be used in HDG, BB, and V/L modes (V/L prior to capture).

  • Mode Selector. Selects BB (back beam), OFF, HDG, V/L or APPR.


A GO AROUND switch is located on each pilot's glareshield. When either switch is pressed with the mode selector in BB, V/L, or APPR, the FD will command 10 degrees pitch up and wings level. Cancel the go-around mode by turning the mode selector to OFF or HDG.


OFF. The command bars are out of view. The ADI is an attitude display only.

HDG. The roll command bars on the ADIs will receive signals from the steering computer, causing the airplane to be flown to the heading selected on the HSI.

V/L. Provides manual capture of VOR or localizer. After capture, the flight director commands the airplane to be flown on the course or localizer with automatic crosswind compensation. In this mode with radio signals from an ILS frequency, automatic glideslope capture is provided. Altitude hold or pitch command are automatically disengaged at glideslope capture.

APPR. Provides manual capture of the glideslope and localizer and pitch to the glideslope to a maximum of 10°.

BB (Back Beam). Enables the pilot to fly the back beam of an ILS facility.

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