To couple the autopilot you need to:

  1. Set the HSI input source to GPS on the corresponding main panel switch.

  2. Engage the NAV/LOC autopilot mode.


ON Key - DEPRESS (momentarily). The SELF TEST Page will be displayed for approximately 30 seconds. During the time the SELF TEST message is displayed, the system is performing internal self tests. If the system was turned OFF last by the removal of aircraft power, the system will turn ON automatically when aircraft power is applied.

BRT Key - Adjust as required. The display will initially come on at 75% of full bright. DEPRESS and hold the BRT Key to dim the display. Release the BRT Key. DEPRESS and hold again to brighten the display. To attain 100% brightness depress and hold BRT Key again until the display no longer gets brighter

To turn the system off, depress the ON Key and hold for three seconds.


It is important that the initialization position and the first waypoint of the Active Flight Plan are the same so that the TO/FROM Leg Distance displays the correct information.

The Initialization Page gives the pilot access to the required initialization data (Date, GMT and Position). Following confirmation or entry of this data, the page disappears and cannot be retrieved unless the system power is removed and then restored.



This procedure is used to transfer a stored FPL to active FPL status.

  1. FPL Key - DEPRESS until the desired FLIGHT PLAN LIST Page appears.

All Flightplans are ordered alphabetically by the departure ICAO.

The current SimBrief flightplan will be displayed if credentials have been set up correctly in the clipboard. To re-fetch please restart the GNS-XLS. The GNS-XLS supports the MSFS .pln format and will show all flightplans stored in work\gnsxls\flpln. The folder is accessible via: MSFS 2020 Store Version: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\packages\fss-aircraft-boeing-727-200f MSFS 2020 Steam Version: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\fss-aircraft-boeing-727-200f

  1. Line Select Key - DEPRESS to position the cursor over the desired Flight Plan Number.


  3. FLIGHT PLAN Page - VERIFY Flight Plan. Review routing by depressing PRV or NXT Key to page through multiple Flight Plan pages.

  4. Line Select Key- DEPRESS to position cursor over SELECT?


  6. ACTIVE FPL - CONFIRM. Observe that the Stored Flight Plan transferred to the ACTIVE FPL Page as SELECTED


An initial From/To Leg or Direct To Leg must be established in order for the system to provide guidance along the Flight Plan. From the ACTIVE FPL Page , the following procedure is used.

  1. NAV Key - DEPRESS.

  2. FR Waypoint - VERIFY. The first waypoint on the Active Flight Plan will appear in the FR field. To change the FR waypoint, insert the desired identifier.

  3. ENTER Key - DEPRESS. The next waypoint in the Active Flight Plan sequence will appear in the TO field.

  4. TO Waypoint - VERIFY. To change the TO waypoint, insert the desired identifier.


  6. DIS, DTK - CHECK for reasonableness.


  1. FPL Key - DEPRESS to display (Stored) FLIGHT PLAN LIST Page (if required).

  2. Line Select Key - DEPRESS to position cursor on blank line and display the NEXT FPL number.

  1. ENTER Key - DEPRESS to display FLIGHT PLAN Page.

  2. Type the appropriate departure airport or waypoint identifier in the cursor field.


  4. Waypoint Coordinates and Data - VERIFY. If a specific runway is desired, depress the appropriate Line Select Key to place the cursor over the desired runway.

  5. ENTER Key - DEPRESS to add waypoint to the FPL.

  6. Repeat Steps 4 through 7 for the remaining waypoints. The destination airport identifier should be the last waypoint on the flight plan.


The GNS-XLS SID (Standard Instrument Departure), STAR (Standard Terminal Arrival), Approach and Airway retrieval feature is designed to relieve flight crew workload. SIDs and STARs require such procedures as flying headings and altitudes, as well as intercepting VOR radials and DME arcs, etc. Approaches can be flown autopilot/fight director coupled until the Missed Approach Point. Missed Approach Procedures must then be flown manually. The GNS-XLS is ONLY designed to provide meaningful input to the HSI when on a track between two waypoints or when Pseudo Vortac (selected course) procedures are used.

The flight crew must review the published procedure and compare it to the procedure contained in the database. The published charts are the governing authority and the chart procedures must be followed. Any differences between the chart and the database must be resolved by the flight crew prior to commencing the procedure.


  1. FPL Key - DEPRESS to display Active FPL Page.

  2. Line Select Key - DEPRESS to position cursor over the DEPART? field.

  3. ENTER Key - DEPRESS to display DEPARTURE Page.

  4. DEPARTURE Airport Identifier - VERIFY or INSERT valid ident.

  5. Line Select Key - DEPRESS to position the cursor over the desired SID, if required.

  6. ENTER Key - DEPRESS to select SID.

  7. Line Select Key - DEPRESS to position cursor over the desired TRANSITION, if required.

  8. ENTER Key - DEPRESS to select TRANSITION.

  9. Line Select Key - DEPRESS to position cursor over the desired runway.

  10. ENTER Key - DEPRESS to select RUNWAY.

  11. Departure SID Waypoints - REVIEW, then DEPRESS the ENTER Key to select the SID and insert it into Active Flight Plan. The display will automatically return to the ACTIVE FLIGHT PLAN Page.


  1. Line Select Key - DEPRESS to position cursor over DEPART field on the Flight Plan Page.


  3. Line Select Key - DEPRESS to position cursor over ERASE?.

  4. ENTER Key - DEPRESS to erase SID and return to Flight Plan page.


To Add a Waypoint

  1. Line Select Key - DEPRESS to position cursor over the SID waypoint identifier that will follow the new entry on the Flight Plan page.

  2. Waypoint Ident - INSERT.

  3. ENTER Key - DEPRESS twice.

To Delete a Waypoint

  1. Line Select Key - DEPRESS to position the cursor over the waypoint to be deleted on the Flight Plan page.

  2. BACK Key - DEPRESS. A DELETE? prompt will appear adjacent to the waypoint to be deleted.

  3. ENTER Key - DEPRESS. The waypoint will be deleted and the waypoints of the SID will be treated as non-procedure waypoints in the flight plan.


  1. Line Select Key - DEPRESS to position cursor directly below the starting waypoint of the desired airway on the Flight Plan page.

  2. Airway ident - INSERT. Use:

    Option 1 if the destination waypoint is unknown. Option 2 to enter the known destination waypoint.

Option 1

  1. "#" Key - DEPRESS, then enter the airway identifier.


  3. Line Select Key - DEPRESS to position cursor over the desired destination waypoint. If applicable, use PRV and NXT Keys to access all airway waypoints pages.

  4. After selecting the ending waypoint (TO) on the Airway, depress the ENTER Key to merge the Airway waypoints into the flight plan and return to the FPL Page.

Option 2

  1. "#" Key - DEPRESS, then enter the airway identifier.

  2. "+-" Key - DEPRESS and type destination waypoint.


  4. To change ending waypoint, use the Line Select Key to position cursor over a different destination waypoint. If applicable, use PRV and NXT Keys to access all airway waypoint pages.

  5. ENTER Key - DEPRESS to merge the airway waypoints into the Flight Plan and return to the Flight Plan Page.

  6. If applicable, enter additional airway identifiers to chain several airways together.


  1. FPL Key - DEPRESS to display Active FPL Page.

  2. Line Select Key - DEPRESS to position cursor over the ARRIVE? field.

  3. ENTER Key - DEPRESS to display ARRIVALPage.

  4. ARRIVAL Airport Identifier - VERIFY or INSERT valid ident.

  5. Line Select Key - DEPRESS to position the cursor over the desired TRANSITION, if required.

  6. ENTER Key - DEPRESS to select TRANSITION.

  7. Line Select Key - DEPRESS to position cursor over the desired STAR.

  8. ENTER Key - DEPRESS to select STAR.

  9. Line Select Key - DEPRESS to position cursor over the desired RUNWAY.

  10. ENTER Key - DEPRESS to select RUNWAY.

  11. Arrival STAR Waypoints - REVIEW, then DEPRESS the ENTER Key to select the STAR and insert it into Active Flight Plan. The display will automatically return to the ACTIVE FLIGHT PLAN Page.


  1. Line Select Key - DEPRESS to position cursor over ARRIVE field on the Flight Plan Page.


  3. Line Select Key - DEPRESS to position cursor over ERASE?.

  4. ENTER Key - DEPRESS to erase STAR and return to Flight Plan page.


To Add a Waypoint

  1. Line Select Key - DEPRESS to position cursor over the STAR waypoint identifier that will follow the new entry on the Flight Plan page.

  2. Waypoint Ident - INSERT.

  3. ENTER Key - DEPRESS twice.

To Delete a Waypoint

  1. Line Select Key - DEPRESS to position the cursor over the waypoint to be deleted on the Flight Plan page.

  2. BACK Key - DEPRESS. A DELETE? prompt will appear adjacent to the waypoint to be deleted.

  3. ENTER Key - DEPRESS. The waypoint will be deleted and the waypoints of the STAR will be treated as non-procedure waypoints in the flight plan.


DIRECT 1/2 (Page 1 of 2)

This display is accessed through the D arrow key and presents a listing of all Active Flight Plan waypoints on as many pages as is appropriate to display all of the waypoints. The cursor may be positioned over any desired identifier (ahead of or behind the aircraft) to proceed DIRECT. A new waypoint may be added to the flight plan to proceed direct.

When this page is accessed, the cursor is displayed over the current TO waypoint. The following may also be displayed with a waypoint: HP (Holding Pattern), PT (Procedure Turn), MAP (Missed Approach Point), FAF (Final Approach Fix), and IAF (Initial Approach Fix).

DIR CLOSEST ARP 2/2 (Page 2 of 2)

DIRECT TO CLOSEST AIRPORT: The Closest Airport page is the last page in the DIRECT TO section. Up to nine airports are displayed, in order of their proximity to the aircraft, with the closest airport listed first.

Airports listed from the database on this page have runways 3000 ft long or greater and are hard surfaced.


This page is accessed by depressing the HOLD Key when the cursor is positioned over a Waypoint Identifier.


  1. NAV or FPL Key - DEPRESS to display applicable page.

  2. Line Select Key - DEPRESS to position the cursor over desired waypoint.

On NAVIGATION Pages, only the TO Waypoint can be selected, and on the Active Flight Plan Page, a Holding Pattern cannot be programmed at the FR or TO Waypoint.

  1. HOLD Key - DEPRESS to display HOLDING PATTERN Page with cursor over the INBOUND CRS field.


When an inserted Inbound Course value is beyond the DIRECT ENTRY parameters, then a TEARDROP or PARALLEL pattern is programmed.

  1. ENTER Key - DEPRESS. The type of entry is displayed. Cursor moves to the LEG TIME field.

  2. LEG TIME - VERIFY or INSERT (valid range 1.0 to 9.9 min).

Optional Entry: Turn Direction

  1. Line Select Key - DEPRESS to position the cursor over TURN DIR.

    1. BACK Key - DEPRESS to change direction.

    2. ENTER Key - DEPRESS.

Optional Entry: Leg Distance

  1. Line Select Key - DEPRESS to position the cursor over LEG DIST.

    1. Leg Distance - INSERT or VERIFY (valid range 1.0nm to 50nm).

    2. ENTER Key - DEPRESS.

Selecting Exit Mode:

  1. Line Select Key - DEPRESS to position the cursor over MANUAL or AUTO. Press the BACK key to change exit mode option. Selecting MANUAL will initiate a continuous hold. Selecting AUTO will exit the hold the next time the HP fix is crossed or after the entry procedure is completed.

  2. ENTER Key - DEPRESS. OK? ENTER prompt will appear. Verify inputs.

  3. ENTER Key - DEPRESS to load the Holding Pattern at the selected waypoint.


  1. On HOLDING PATTERN 1/1 page: Line Select Key - DEPRESS to position the cursor over the CANCEL? prompt.

  2. ENTER Key - DEPRESS. The HP annunciation is erased.


AFIS provides timely, aviation-oriented graphical weather products, which supplement the variety of AFIS textual weather. We don't simulate these specific features. However, in addition to displaying graphical weather, the AFIS graphical weather system enables an auxiliary moving map function that plots and updates the own-ship position. The moving map is available on all scales, although "track up" is only available at scales of 200 NM and below.

-> Access the WX GRAPHICS functions by selecting option 1 (LSK 1L) from the AFIS menu (AFIS Key).


-> Access via DISPLAY MENU (LSK 4R)


The GNS-XLS FMS may be configured to display the map either with a TRACK UP depiction or a NORTH UP depiction. In TRACK UP mode the aircraft icon is centered on the map or is centered at the bottom of the map. When the FMS is tracking an active flight plan, in the TRACK UP mode the aircraft icon remains stationary relative to the display, while the map moves relative to the aircraft icon. In both TRACK UP and NORTH UP modes, you may select to view the aircraft icon in either the Center or Edge position.


In NORTH UP mode the aircraft icon moves across the display and the map image stays relatively fixed. As the aircraft icon nears the map edge, the map will redraw with the aircraft icon at either the opposite map edge or in the map center position. In both TRACK UP and NORTH UP modes, you may select to view the aircraft icon in either the center or edge position. Choosing A/C EDGE in the NORTH UP mode will give the longest period of time before the map redraws.


The A/C EDGE or CENTER option lets you display the aircraft on the bottom edge, or in the center of the screen. In the A/C EDGE mode, the aircraft icon is at the edge of the map page, thus allowing a majority of the screen to be used to display information in front of the aircraft.

If the system is set to CENTER mode, the aircraft icon will be in the center of the map page. In the TRACK UP display, A/C EDGE mode will place the aircraft on the bottom edge of the screen. In the NORTH UP display, A/C EDGE mode will display the aircraft on the edge of the screen based on the aircraft’s current true course. Both these settings are located on the DISPLAY MENU.


The GNS-XLS is capable of providing lateral and vertical guidance for an RNAV approach. However keep in mind that the Autopilot itself is not as precise as in modern aircrafts.

  1. Select an RNAV approach in the APPROACH page.

  2. Ensure that the NAV/GPS switch is set to GPS during the entire approach.

  3. When approaching FAF select AUTO GS mode.

  4. The autopilot will track lateral and vertical path automatically.

Last updated