

Normally, use both packs for takeoff. If either pack has been shut off, reopen the pack valve before setting takeoff thrust. Check electrical power meters for pack cooling fan operation when the pack switch is placed open. If takeoff runway is covered with wet snow or slush: - Start closing pack cooling doors during taxi so that doors are fully closed at start of takeoff roll. - Select as high a cabin and cockpit temperature as practical. - Monitor pack temperature and door position to ensure doors start opening if pack temperature starts increasing rapidly. - Open pack cooling doors after takeoff.


Smoothly advance throttles until slightly less than takeoff EPR. Takeoff EPR must be set between 40 and 80 knots. If the intermittent warning horn sounds, immediately check the position of the leading and trailing edge flaps, speed brake lever, and stabilizer trim. If any discrepancy cannot be corrected immediately, or if the warning continues, the takeoff should be discontinued.

Maintain light forward pressure on the yoke and maintain directional control with rudder pedal steering. As the aircraft approaches VR, ease off the pressure on the control column so that the column will be neutral at V. At VR, start a smooth rotation and continue through liftoff until the airspeed stabilizes at V2 to V2+10 or a maximum pitch attitude of 17 degrees is attained.

When airborne with a positive rate of climb and at a minimum of V2, retract landing gear.

If a turn is required, limit bank angle to 15 degrees until attaining minimum maneuvering speed. Begin turn at 400 feet AFE, unless otherwise specified in the Departure procedure.

Maintain takeoff flaps and V2 to V2+10 until reaching 1.000 feet above field elevation (AFE). Limit pitch attitude to a maximum of 17 degrees and accept any resulting speed increase.

At 1.000 feet AFE lower the nose to approximately 8 to 10 degrees to establish a suitable climb gradient while accelerating for flap rectration. Accelerate while holding approximately 500 feet per minute rate of climb. Retract flaps on schedule.

When flaps are fully retracted, set 1.7 EPR. For lighter takeoff weights, set 1.7 EPR when flaps reach 5 degrees. Continue climb to 3.000 feet AFE at minimum maneuvering speed.

At 3.000 feet AFE, set climb thrust. Expedite acceleration to climb speed using moderate climb attitude.

The minimum altitude for autopilot engagement is 1.100 feet AGL.


At 800 feet AFE, accelerate to V2+10 and retract flaps to 15. At 1.000 feet AFE, continue to accelerate as flap configuration is changed. If above 154.500 pounds gross weight, limit bank angle to 15 degrees.


  • Apply maximum brakes while closing the throttles.

  • Apply brakes in a gradually increasing manner to prevent skidding

  • Extend spoiler and apply reverse thrust.


Maintain directional control and rotate at VR using normal rotation rate. Establish climb at V2 to V2+10.

When failure occurs after V2 and prior to initiating normal flap rectraction, if speed is greater than V2+10, adjust pitch attitude so as to maintain V2+10.

When airborne with a positive rate of climb and at a minimum of V2, retract landing gear.

Maintain stabilized airspeed to 800 feet and runway heading to 1.500 feet AFE unless the takeoff performance chart note requires different altitudes and/or headings.

At 800 feet AFE or higher if required, maintain level flight and retract flaps on schedule. After flap retraction, set maximum continuous thrust and climb to 1.500 feet AFE, or higher if required, at 200 knots.

Last updated