How to use INS
How to enter coordinates
The INS requires a manual waypoint input. The format is in decimal minutes like S 3548.2 W 5547.3.
When typing it in the first key press equals N/S and E/W. Press the corresponding number keys first, then type in the numbers. Here are some examples:
N 3546.5 E 14021.4
2 - 3 - 5 - 4 - 6 - 5 - INSERT - 6 - 1 - 4 - 0 - 2 - 1 - 4 - INSERT
S 3548.2 W 05547.3
8 - 3 - 5 - 4 - 8 - 2 - INSERT - 4 - 0 - 5 - 5 - 4 - 7 - 3 - INSERT
Once you entered all numbers you always have to press INSERT to actually confirm your entry.
Before you can actually use the INS you have to align your current aircraft position.
Rotate the mode selector knob to ALIGN.
Rotate the data selector to POS.
Enter your current aircraft position or the airport reference point.
Wait for the READY NAV light to illuminate.
Then set mode selector to NAV.
Depending on your position, the alignment process can take several minutes. If you want to fast forward, you can click on the "ready" light for an instant alignment.
Setting up waypoints
The INS has 10 waypoint slots, from 0 to 9 so you can set up 9 TO waypoints in a row. The INS will follow them in sequence.
Select the waypoint slot number on the wheel selector.
Enter the waypoint coordinate.
Proceed with all required waypoint slots.
Once you passed a waypoint in your sequence, you can already enter a new coordinate. In auto leg switching mode the sequence will start from 0 to 1 after reaching waypoint 9.
Flying direct-to waypoint
You can fly directly towards a waypoint from your current aircraft position. In auto leg switching mode the sequence will be continued after you reached your direct-to waypoint.
Press WYPT CHG key.
Press 0 to assign it to the FROM waypoint.
Press the waypoint number you want to fly to from your present position to assign it as TO waypoint.
Press INSERT to apply your entry.
SimBrief Import
You can directly import your simbrief flightplan into the INS.
Press REMOTE key.
Press INSERT key to start import. Lights will illuminate upon successful import.
Left screen will show error codes:
01: SimBrief username hasn't been set in EFB. 02: Invalid SimBrief username or failed to connect to server. 03: Invalid flight plan data or failed to connect to server. 04: Failed extracting data. Coordinates don't exist.
Be aware that only the first 9 waypoints will be imported. If you pass waypoint no. 9 you have to enter the next waypoint coordinates manually.
Auto / Manual leg switching
The AUTO/MAN switch sets the leg switching mode.
AUTO: From-To waypoint selection will be automatically switched to the next waypoint in sequence when the aircraft has passed the To waypoint.
MAN: From-To waypoint selection has to be manually changed using the WYPT CHG key.
Drift / Position Update
The INS will naturally develop a position error ranging from 0.25 nm/h to 1.5 nm/h. In the CIV model of this INS, there is no function for position correction. However, the CIV-A model (which we're simulating) includes a VOR/DME-based position updating system.
Check the accuracy index on the DSRTK/STS page during your flight. If it's greater than 1 a position update should be considered.
DME Position Update
To insert a DME station:
Set data selector to WAYPT.
Set waypoint/DME selector to number of the DME station to be loaded.
Simultaneously press key 7 and 9 (in MSFS you have to click both keys within 1 second) -> FROM TO display will show the flashing active DME station index, 0 if no station is selected, or selected station is too far away.
Input DME station lat/lon as described here.
Press WYPT CHG key.
Press number key of your selected waypoint/DME selector slot.
Press INSERT key.
Simultaneously press key 3 and 9 (in MSFS you have to click both keys within 1 second).
Press key 2 or 8 to indicate following load is altitude.
Round off DME station altitude to nearest 1.000 ft and load the number of thousands by pressing corresponding keys in sequence -> 6.600 ft = 7.000 ft = 7 (Note: Only numbers 0 thru 15 are accepted by the INS).
Press INSERT key.
Press key 4 or 6 to indicate that following load is frequency.
Load frequency by pressing five keys in sequence -> 117.50 MHz = 1-1-7-5-0 (Note: Only frequencies from 108.00 to 135.95 MHz are accepted by the INS).
Press INSERT key.
Repeat step 2 to 12 for each DME station.
To return the INS to normal operation, momentarily set data selector to any position other than WAYPT and DIS/TIME.
If you are in range to the selected DME station the accuracy index should return to 1 indicating a successfull position update.
Check DME station distance
Set data selector to DIS/TIME.
Set waypoint/DME selector to desired station.
Enter DME mode by simultaneously pressing key 3 and 9 (in MSFS you have to click both keys within 1 second).
The distance (nmi) is displayed on the left screen.
Present Position Update
If you know your exact position (i.e. after one flight before starting the second) you can update the INS position by updating the current position:
Select POS on data selector.
Push HOLD to freeze the lat/lon data.
Input new lat/lon as described here.
HOLD light will turn off.
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