Flight Instruments


Indicates airplane rate of climb or descent.

(1) Vertical Speed Scale

  • Indicates vertical speed in feet per minuate x 1000.

  • Scale is 0 to 6000 fpm.

(2) Vertical Speed Pointer

  • An accelerometer is incorporated to provide instantaneous reading.

  • Positioned by vertical accelerometer and rate of static pressure change.


Indicates airplane altitude above reference pressure.

(1) Altitude Window

  • Indicates vertical speed in feet per minuate x 1000.

  • Scale is 0 to 6000 fpm.

(2) Millibars Window

  • Displays barometric setting in millibars as manually set with the BARO set knob

(3) Inches Of Mercury Window

  • Displays barometric setting in inches of mercury as manually set with the BARO set knob

(4) Barometric Set Knob

  • An accelerometer is incorporated to provide instantaneous reading.

  • Positioned by vertical accelerometer and rate of static pressure change.

(5) 100-Foot Pointer

  • Indicates feet on radial dial. Each mark is 20 ft, each digit is 100 ft.

(6) Inner Altitude Bug

  • Manually positioned by altitude bug set knob.


Indicates airplane airspeed in knots and mach.

(1) Indicated Airspeed Pointer

  • Pointer indicates 0-200 KIAS on outer scale; 200-400 KIAS on inner scale.

  • Pointer indicates Mach on window scale.

(2) Inner Airspeed bug

  • Reference speed for autothrottle.

  • Manually positioned by (4).

(3) Airspeed Bugs

  • Three manually positioned reference bugs (on outer ring).

(4) Airspeed Bug Set Knob

  • Turned to position inner airspeed bug.

(5) Max Operating Speed Pointer

  • Indicates the max operating speed (Vmo) for existing altitude.


Indicates airplane standard air temperature and true airspeed

(1) Static Air Temperature Indicator

  • Indicates static air temperature.

(2) True Airspeed Indicator

  • Indicates true airspeed.


Combines a magnetic compass with navigation signals from VORs and NDBs to provide bearing information to the selected station.

(1) No. 1 VOR/ADF Selector

  • When turned to the left (vertical), selects No. 1 VOR information to the No. 1 VOR/ADF Pointer.

  • When turned to the right (horizontal), selects No. 1 ADF information to the No. 1 VOR/ADF pointer.

(2) No. 2 VOR/ADF Selector

  • When turned to the left (vertical), selects No. 2 VOR information to the No. 2 VOR/ADF Pointer.

  • When turned to the right (horizontal), selects No. 2 ADF information to the No. 2 VOR/ADF pointer.

(3) No. 1 & 2 VOR/ADF pointer

  • Points towards the selected station based on the given source from (1) & (2).


Integrates the directional gyro, course deviation indicator, and glide slope to provide comprehensive display of flight path relative to a chosen navigation source.

(1) Miles Window

  • Displays associated DME distance.

(2) Course Window

  • Displays course selected by pilot.

(3) Glideslope Scale & Deviation Pointer

  • In conjunction with deviation pointer indicates vertical deviation above or below the glideslope.

  • Each mark indicates 1/4-degree.

  • Vertical deviation pointer out of view with VOR selected.

(4) To-From Indicator

  • Points toward a line through the VOR station perpendicular to the seleccted course.

(5) Heading Bug

  • Indicates heading selected by pilot.

(6) Course Deviation Bar & Scale

  • As a reference on the course deviation scale, indicates deviation from the selected course.

  • Each dot equals 5-degrees on VOR and 1 1/4-degrees on LOC.

(7) Heading Control

  • Rotated to set heading bug.

(8) Course Control

  • Rotated to set course indicator.


Provides information about the orientation of the aircraft relative to the horizon.

(1) Go-Around Light

  • Illuminates to indicate flight director go-around mode.

(2) Bank Angle Scale

  • Displays roll attitude as indicated by roll index (4).

(3) Max Bank Angle

  • Displays the maximum allowed bank angle.

(4) Roll Index

  • Indicates roll attitude on bank angle scale (2).

(5) Pitch Scale

  • Displays pitch attitude in reference to airplane symbol.

(6) Fast-Slow Indicator

  • Indicates airpseed deviation fast (F) or slow (S).

  • References to the captain's inner airspeed bug.

(7) Glideslope Deviation Scale & Pointer

  • Indicates deviation from center of glideslope beam.

(8) Expanded Localizer Indicator

  • Lateral movement from center line indicates displacement from localizer.

(9) Test Switch

  • Push-to-test switch checks the indicator's amplifiers and servos.

(10) Slip Indicator

  • Skid ball indicates amount of yaw.


Compares data outputs of flight instruments and displays an appropriate warning when the captain's and first officer's instruments disagree.

(1) Monitor Power Light

  • Illuminates at loss of electrical power to the comparator.

(2) Heading Light

  • Indicates a heading difference of 6 degrees between HSIs.

(3) Horizon Pitch Light

  • Indicates a difference of 4 to 6 degrees in pitch between ADIs.

(4) Roll Pitch Light

  • Indicates a difference of 4 to 6 degrees in roll between ADIs.

(5) Glideslope Light

  • Both nav receivers mus be tuned to an active localizer freuqnecy; GS flags not in view.

  • On at 3/4 to 1-dot difference on HSIs.

(6) Localizer Light

  • Indicates heading selected by pilot.

(7) Radio Altimeter Light

  • Indicates a difference between RAs of

    • 55 ft at 1500 ft

    • 25 ft at 200 ft

    • 5 ft at touchdown.


Provides a visual display of airplane terrain clearance, from 0 to 2500 ft. A light will warn the crew that the airplane is at or below the selected altitude.

(1) Altitude Pointer

  • Indicates height above ground level (AGL).

(2) Bug & Control

  • Rotated to position bug to selected height

(3) Test Switch

  • Drives altitude pointer to 40 ft and DH light will illuminate.

(4) DH Light

  • Illuminated if airplane is at or below selected height.

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