


Before starting the APU, perform the APU fire detector test as follows:

  1. Place the battery switch on. Check battery voltage is 22V DC minimum.

  2. Hold fire test switch in fire test position until test is indicated (it will flip to OFF after 5 seconds automatically).

  3. Check that the red light in the APU fire pull comes on and the fire bell rings.

  4. As soon as fire warning indications are observerd, release the test switch. Move the test switch to RESET after the red light in the APU fire pull goes out. Move the test switch to RESET a second time to restore the starter circuit.

After fire test, determine that auto fire shutdown switch is in its armed position and the fire handle is pushed in.


Before connecting external or APU electrical power to aircraft systems set:

  • Air conditioning packs switches to CLOSE.

Start the APU as follows:

  1. AC meters selector switch to APU

  2. Essential power selector to any position other than APU

  3. Hold APU switch to start position until the APU CRANK light comes on.

EGT rise verifies oil pressure and lightoff. EGT rise should occur within 20 seconds after crank light comes on.

Crank light out and EGT stabilizing at approximately 300C indicates normal start.

Select essential power selector to APU.


After electrical power is supplied to aircraft systems:

  1. Set APU generator switch to CLOSE.

  2. Turn radio master switches on.

  3. Check parking brake set.

  4. Turn on a galley, switch if required.


  1. Check cockpit hydraulic quantity indicators, pneumatic brake pressure, and accumulator preloads.

  2. Turn on one system B hydraulic pump.

  3. Press oil quantity test switch. Check that all indicators drive toward zero. Release switch and check that all indicators return to original indications. Check for minimum quantity (2 Gal).

  4. Check crew and passenger oxygen pressure gauges for minimum pressure (Crew 1200 / Pax 1500).


Allow the APU to operate one minute before applying an air load. Normally, APU air is used for air conditioning only if the APU is supplying electrical power.

  1. Open all bleed valves and position the manifold pressure selector switch to PACK.

  2. Set the cabin altitude selector to at least 500 feet AGL for the pneumatic pressurization system, and place the FTL/GRD switch to GRD.

  3. Ensure both cooling doors are full open.

Operate both packs, turning one switch on at a time. As each pack is turned on, monitor ammeter on engeneer's aux panel for increase in electrical load to confirm pack fan operation.


  1. Check all cockpit circuit breakers. All should be pushed in.

  2. Check fuel dump panel switches in the CLOSE position. Push to test valve in transit lights.

  3. Check engine fire detectors as follows:

    1. Check all loop lights out and loop selector switches in the AB position

    2. SetFIRE TEST switch to TEST. Check that all loop lights, fire pull lights, and master fire warning lights are on.

    3. Silence the bell with the bell cutout button.

    4. Release test switch and check all lights out.

  4. Test door annunciator panel lights.

  5. Press-to-test Leading edge flap-slat annunciator panel.


  1. Check annunciator and warning lights.

  2. Select horizon and compass switches to No. 1.

  3. Place indicator lights switch to TEST.

  4. Check forward cockpit warning and annunciator lights. Place indicator light switch to DIM.

  5. Test landing gear warning lights.

  6. Return indicator light switch to BRT.

  7. Advance #3 engine throttle, and check for intermittent takeoff warning horn.

  8. Check fire bottle transfer switch in the left position


  1. Press Flight Recorder TEST button and observe power off light goes on.


  1. Place window heat switches on. If the four power-on lights do not come on, place test switch to POWER ON TEST. Check all four power-on lights come on.

  2. Place test switch to OVERHEAT TEST. Check amber overheat lights come on and green power-on lights go out.

  3. Place all control switches to OFF/RESET to reset the overheat circuit.


  1. Place both probe heat switches on and check both amber lights go out.

  2. Place both probe heat switches off and check both amber lights come on.

  3. Press-to-test starter valve open lights.

  4. Place no smoking switch on.

  5. Press to test bottle discharged lights.


  1. Check emergency exit light switch in ARMED position.


  1. Hold cockpit voice recorder test switch in for at least five seconds. The test meter pointer must indicate in the good range. A malfunction is indicated if the meter drops to zero anytime during the test.


  1. Place valve position selector to L position.

  2. Place three engine anti-ice switches to OPEN. Allow at least 5 seconds for valves to reach travel limits before checking lights or repositioning switch.

  3. Check L, COWL, and R positions fro three valve position lights.

  4. Place three engine anti-ice control switches to CLOSE.

  5. Check No. 1 and No. 3 wing anti-ice control switches off. Move selector to WING and check both wing valve position lights on.

  6. Check R, COWL, and L positions fro three valve position lights.

  7. Return valve position selector to OFF.

  8. Place duct temperature selector to ENG 2.

  9. Place duct temperature selector to each engine and press-to-test duct overheat light.


  1. Turn system A rudder gang switch on and observe:

    -> Green standby hydraulic system light on at engineer's panel.

    -> Standby hydraulic quantity remains stable.

    -> Standby hydraulic overheat light off.

  2. Turn system A rudder gang switch off. The green standby system light must be off prior to takeoff.



  1. Place wing anti-ice auto trip switch to GROUND TEST and check that trip light comes on.

  2. Place switch to GROUND RESET and check that light goes out.


  1. Push test switch and hold. Check that all three lights come on.

  2. Release test switch and check that lights go out.


  1. Check zone temperature valves by observing movement of the position indicator. Return to center position.

  2. Press to test overheat light.


  1. Select each TR position with the DC meters selector. Voltage should read 25.5 to 28.5 volts. Current should be indicated in each TR position. TR-1 and TR-2 currents should be approximately the same.

  2. Select the battery position. The battery is normal if a voltage of 27 to 29 volts is indicated.


  1. Place CSD drive temperature selector to IN. Check to see that all CSD low pressure lights are on.

  2. All bus tie and generator field relays are closed. Press to test bus tie and field lights.

  3. All main generator relays are open. All MGR lights should be on.


  1. Test the fuel quantity indicators. Check the indicated quantities on each gauge and totalizer agree with actual quantity in tanks.

  2. Turn on a boost pump in each tank.

  3. Close each engine shutoff switch and note blue valve in-transit light. Open each engine fuel shutoff switch and note blue valve in-transit light.

  4. Ensure engine fuel shutoff switches are OPEN.

  5. Position crossfeed valves as follows:

    1. Number 1 and number 3 crossfeed valve switches CLOSE. Leave number 2 crossfeed valve switch OPEN to keep the crossfeed manifold pressurized.

  6. Press to test valve in-translit lights.


  1. Press to test icing and valve in-transit lights.

  2. Ensure fuel heat switches are off.


  1. Check hydraulic ground interconnect emergency flight override switch is in CLOSE.

  2. Ensure hydraulic system A pump switches are in the ON position and both low pressure lights are on. Press to test system A overheat light.

  3. Check that the hydraulic brake interconnect valve is closed. Press to test the brake interconnect green light.

  4. Check system B as follows:

    1. Only one pump is used during ground servicing. Turn on and check the operation of both pumps andlow pressure lights before starting engines, then turn one pump off.

    2. Press to test system B overheat light.

    3. Press to test the standby pump overheat and system on lights.


  1. Press to test the engine AVM system. Indicators should move to a position between 3.5-4.5.


  1. Set the barometric correction window/baro set module and cabin altimeter to local altimeter setting.

Electronic pressurization controls on originating flights:

  1. Press to test all indicator lights.

  2. Check that t least one cabin door is open or both packs switches are off.

  3. Set standby controller to 200 feet below field elevation and rate knob to full increase.

  4. Select AUTO mode.

  5. Place FLT/GRD switch to FLT and after approximately 12 seconds observe outflow valve movement toward closed.

  6. Select CHECK mode and observe outflow valve continnnnnues to move towar closed and AUTO FAIL and STANDBY lights come on.

  7. Set standby controller to at least 500 feet above field elevation and observe outflow valve moves toward open.

  8. Select STBY mode and check that AUTO FAIL light goes out and STBY light comes on.

  9. Select the MAN AC and MAN DC modes. MANUAL light should come on. Toggle outflow valve toward open, then closed, in each mode. Observe proper movement.

  10. Select AUTO mode and place FLT/GRD switch to GRD. Check that outflow valve moves full open and all advisory lights go out.

Electronic pressurization controls on all flights:

  1. Set planned flight and landing altitude in auto controller.

  2. Set standby controller to the cabin altitude corresponding to the planned flight altitude as determined from the placard.

  3. Set rate knob to the index mark.


  1. Select gasper fan as required.

  2. Ensure the air temperature selector is in the MAIN SUPPLY position.

  3. Select NORMAL with the cargo heat outflow switch.

  4. Select AUTO range with the left and right temperature selectors.

  5. Ensure the autopack trip switch is in CUTOUT.

  6. Engineer's panel lighting as required

  7. Press to test the passenger oxygen amber light.


  1. Set radio switches as desired.

  2. CSD oil cooler switch NORMAL.

  3. Press to test electronic equipment cooling lights. ELEV FEEL DIFF PRESS light should be on. Press to test the RUDDER LOAD LIMITER light if not on.

Last updated