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Displays speed/mach values.
MAGENTA: Automatically set by the FMS
CYAN: Manually entered by the flight crew.
Takeoff safety speed
Takeoff rotation speed
Takeoff decision speed
AIRSPEED TRANSITION: Airspeed transitions automatically between IAS and Mach and vice versa at approximately 29.000 ft.
Preview mode displays in the lower portion of the airspeed tape. VSPEEDS are entered in the MCDU. When no valid VSPEED data is available and the aircraft is on the ground cyan dashes are displayed.
GREEN: Normal range.
AMBER Airspeed trend vector is reaching the VMO/MMO or it is at amber low speed awareness tape or the actual airspeed is at amber low speed awareness tape.
RED INVERSE VIDEO: Airspeed trend vector or actual airspeed is at red low speed awareness tape or at VMO/MMO barber pole.
Indicates the margin to the stick shaker speed. It rises from the bottom of the speed tape and has two colored ranges.
Displays speed/mach values.
MAGENTA: Automatically set by the FMS.
CYAN: Manually entered by the flight crew.
MAGENTA: Displayed at the FMS airspeed target when an FMS mode is valid.
CYAN: Displayed at the Manual mode airspeed target.
Mach digital display of the current airspeed is displayed followed by an “M” label.
Displayed when the VMO/MMO is within the viewable range and covers speeds at or above VMO/MMO.
Approach climb speed
Flap retraction speed
Approach speed
Reference speed
Provides a margin of 1.3g over stick shaker speed. Does account for ice, however it is invalid above FL200 with the ice EICAS message displayed.
Takeoff final segment speed.